Student Well-Being

In primary school, student support takes place in class, in small group settings or on an individual basis


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Student Well-being

The AICS aims to be an inclusive school. We believe deeply in our mission to serve our diverse and globally mobile community to the best of our ability, and accept children with a diverse range of learning backgrounds. Guidelines from the Dutch government, Espritscholen, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and the Council of International Schools (CIS) inform our practices and approach.

Our mission is to facilitate high-quality, accessible, community-based, international learning for students of all nationalities living in the Netherlands. Our values are: diversity, community, integrity and inquiry. Our mission that everyone is included, challenged and successful is one we take very seriously, believing that an inclusive educational programme has a value that enriches the whole community.  We accept students with a range of  abilities and learning diversity needs and we provide a range of support options for students depending on their needs. In primary school, student support takes place in class, in small group settings or on an individual basis.  We also collaborate with a wide range of external partners to support our students. 

While we strive to be inclusive, we may not be able to meet the needs of some students. In the interest of giving the best education and support, we carefully assess all students with learning diversity needs who apply to the AICS.  When we are unable to support a student’s learning diversity needs we advise families on alternative schooling possibilities.

Student Support


Student support begins within the classroom itself, led by teachers and mentors. Our aim is to ensure that we are able to meet the diverse needs of our student population by tailoring our teaching around individual student needs. 

If a student requires more support that can be offered in class, a teacher can refer them to the 

 Learning Diversity Specialists Click HERE for more detail about our student support structure. 

The Learning Diversity Specialist Team offers a range of small group training and individual coaching. This team also guides and supports teachers in the implementation of support strategies in the classroom. Support for students is determined on an individual basis and the school will always make the final decision as to what kind of support a student can and will receive. 

The AICS recognises 3 different areas of support needs:

             1. Academic

             2. Social Emotional

             3. Physical

Depending on the area(s) of need, students are allocated to the relevant placement level of support and that will determine the support the student will receive and its duration.

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