Student Council

The Student Council is a group of elected students from each year level (both the Primary and Secondary Schools) that represents the student body at the AICS.
As representatives, it is our role to address the issues that concern students. The student council is about communicating effectively within and between year levels to make sure that the voice of the students is heard. As a group, we collectively aim to resolve issues with pragmatic solutions in order to make our school a better place.
The Student Council functions in an advisory as well as a policy-making capacity. Suggestions concerning regulations and other appropriate matters may be brought to the notice of Student Council members.
The AICS participates in the Eco-schools programme. The Eco-Schools organisation offers schools the opportunity to show their ecological footprint and encourages them to improve it.
The focus of the programme is on a positive change of behaviour (of students, staff, parents and others) and to secure the embedding of sustainability in the curriculum. The approach of the programme is ‘student-led change’.
The AICS has an eco-committee that works on different improvements for our school. The topics they focus on are litter, energy conservation, waste recycling, water, school grounds, biodiversity, transport, healthy living, and global perspective.