Primary School

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School Guide

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A day at the AICS

At the AICS, no two days are the same. Are you curious what it will be like to study at the AICS? 

Learning at the AICS

We teach our students to understand challenges with high global relevance and the fact that we are all in it together. Our young learners need to be willing and able to collaborate with others to face challenges.

Our values and those of the International Baccalaureate underline this important task: they guide our teaching towards the development of our students’ understanding of global challenges, and the attitudes, dispositions and skills needed to deal with them.


The AICS Primary is excited to join the IB World School community and has successfully gained IB authorisation as of September. This enables us to better align our programme with the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and IB Diploma in the Secondary School.

Student Well-Being

We accept students with a range of abilities and learning diversity needs and we provide a range of support options for students depending on their needs.

After school clubs and after school care (BSO)

Over the past year while moving to the new South building and as we get ready to move to the Sandcastle in August 2023, we have been reviewing our after school clubs and after school care offer so that we can continue to provide high quality services to all of our students.

AICS Libraries

We encourage students to borrow books and read as much as possible. Therefore, parents are encouraged to visit after school hours to borrow books for their children and themselves.

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